The article "Cyber Ethics: the New Frontier," discusses the need for educators to teach their students about what is and what is not ethical online. This article begins by questioning whether students' poor judgment when using technology is related to a lack of care toward school policies, do they just not care, or has the internet brought about a change in the core values of these students. The article continues on to address topics related to cyber ethics including digital plagiarism and the computer ethics curriculum.
Scholastic Inc., in a study of 47,235 students, revealed that 48% of juveniles do not consider hacking a crime. They found that although most youth today are unlikely to commit serious crimes, they will not think twice when performing a cyber crime. Internet plagiarism is also a rising problem through websites allowing students to download papers, as well as post their own.
With all of these problems on the rise, the introduction of the computer ethics curriculum seems to be a necessary component when using the Internet in the classroom and has been found to be effective in a short session related to each computer use in the classroom. Although many educators have found it challenging to begin to implement such change, students are gradually being given cyber ethics training, which will hopefully continue to lessen the problems associated with using the internet in the classroom and allow for the internet to be used productively.
Do you think that taking time out of intructional time is worth it for the use of technology in the classroom?
Related links:
Rules in Cyberspace http://www.cybercrime.gov/rules/kidinternet.htm
Tools for Teaching Cyber Ethics http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech055.shtml
Teaching Kids About Cyber Ethics http://www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/brightideasportal.html
by Shauna
Scholastic Inc., in a study of 47,235 students, revealed that 48% of juveniles do not consider hacking a crime. They found that although most youth today are unlikely to commit serious crimes, they will not think twice when performing a cyber crime. Internet plagiarism is also a rising problem through websites allowing students to download papers, as well as post their own.
With all of these problems on the rise, the introduction of the computer ethics curriculum seems to be a necessary component when using the Internet in the classroom and has been found to be effective in a short session related to each computer use in the classroom. Although many educators have found it challenging to begin to implement such change, students are gradually being given cyber ethics training, which will hopefully continue to lessen the problems associated with using the internet in the classroom and allow for the internet to be used productively.
Do you think that taking time out of intructional time is worth it for the use of technology in the classroom?
Related links:
Rules in Cyberspace http://www.cybercrime.gov/rules/kidinternet.htm
Tools for Teaching Cyber Ethics http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech055.shtml
Teaching Kids About Cyber Ethics http://www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/brightideasportal.html
by Shauna
I think that Cyber ethics and the use of technology is important to introduce in the classroom. It is important to upkeep the content already being used in the classroom and to use technology to enhance that instruction.
I agree that it is important to include some sort of education regarding the internet and its proper usage. The internet is such a readily available resource and a widespread tool used by students today. I feel that it is important to teach students about the proper way to use the internet and the appropriate rules to follow when on the internet. There is already so much in the curriculum that we have to teach, it will be difficult to actually fit in a whole area of study based on cyber ethics. But, this area can be incorporated into an area such as computers or Social Studies etc. I think that some sort of education is necessary for students today with regards to this area!
I think that this is a very important topic to address in the classroom of our society today. So many more of the assignments done in school now are derived through the internet in some way, even when the web is not a requiremnt of a project, students often go there first for information. Because of the abundance of info gathered online, I feel that it is crucial that students are taught about the appropriate use of internet and the importance of siting all material that they get from it.
I understand that teachers are already overburdened with the amount of material to be covered in a year, but I think that cyber ethics is a really important topic to cover. It is vital that students know about plagerism before they are found to be guilty of it. If done in a university setting, there could be dire consequences to follow.
Got to go know, willl write again later.
Sorry about the spelling mistake! And I forgot to pt my name....Angie D.
Do you think that taking time out of intructional time is worth it for the use of technology in the classroom?
I think taking time out of instructional time is worth it for the use of technology. I say this because of our ever advancing society and that we need to best prepare our students for the future. With that I strongly believe that there needs to be a balance regarding the amount of time you will allocate to this.
I agree that the internet is being used so much in the classroom setting and with this it is important to educate students on good and bad internet sources. Also with this I think that we need to educate students as they work on their projects on hte internet about various aspects of cyber ethics discussed in the article. I think that combining this teaching with a project would be the most effective, rather than having students listen to a hour lecture on cyber ethics.
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